Dionne Washington of Dionne Events is a fabulous wedding planner. She offers some great advice for wedding professionals either just starting out, or who have been around for a while and are just looking for fresh ideas.
Dionne, we would love to hear how you got your start in the Event Planning Industry?
My best friend asked me to help her with her wedding. I did so for fun and didn’t charge her. At the end of the night, I got so many compliments that I decided to take it seriously and started my professional career shortly after that.
What is your favorite part of the industry?
Gosh, that is a hard question… I would have to say, my clients. I get so attached to them during the process. They are always my main focus.
Every year we have a lot of different wedding trends. What are your favorite trends this year?
I would have to say statement cakes. They are really trendy!
Dionne, what would you say is the biggest change you have seen since the start of your career?
The way we now communicate with clients. I remember talking on the phone with clients and vendors. Now, I have to text them. I’m okay with it, it’s just the biggest change I’ve observed.
What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?
Take nothing personally. Remember that no matter how much you take off of their shoulders, they still may be stressed about things that you can’t control. Just keep smiling and keep serving.
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/dionneevents
Website: www.dionneevents.com