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Engagement Party Planning Basics

An engagement party is the start of the wedding day countdown and officially kicks off the wedding festivities! Whether you’re hosting an engagement party or are the guest of honor, we’re giving you some tips to ensure the planning process runs smoothly.

Decide who’s hosting
Traditionally, the bride’s parents host the engagement party; however, times have changed! The bride and groom’s parents can decide to host the party together, the couple can throw the party for themselves, or any friend/family member can.

Pick a date and venue
The engagement party should be held within a few months after getting engaged, but make sure to get the invitations out at least a month before the party. Having it as early as possible is best since there won’t be any serious wedding planning going on just yet. Depending on how many people are being invited, the party can be held at a restaurant, someone’s house or anywhere that can accommodate everyone. It also depends on if it’s going to be more elegant or low-key!

Create a guest list
This may take the most time because anyone who is invited to the engagement party should also be invited to the wedding. On the other hand, not everyone who will be invited to the wedding needs to be invited to the engagement party. Depending on accommodations, the engagement party can be limited to friends and family the couple is close to.

Decide on a gift registry or not
This is completely up to the couple. If they opt to create a gift registry, keep everything in the low to middle price range since the wedding is still to come. If they don’t want gifts, include a note on the invitation asking the guests not to bring anything.

Figure out the details
The details include dress code, food and decorations. Nothing needs to be too extravagant (don’t want to outshine the wedding), but there should definitely be effort put into everything. The dress code doesn’t have to be fancy — think simple dresses for women and collared shirts with dress pants for men. The menu can be anything from passed appetizers to a small buffet. To get creative, include the bride and groom’s favorite dishes!