While 40 weeks seems like forever to meet and hold your baby, the anticipation of knowing what you are having is something you do not need to wait quite that long to find out.
As the 20 week mark has arrived, my husband and I have decided that we are going to hold out for the next 20 weeks to find out whether we are having a boy or girl. Though I am itching to buy our child their first pink tutu or pair of hockey skates, I know this surprise is worth waiting for. Many people ask me how I can be prepared when I do not know what I am having. (I think it is their way of guilting me into finding out, so they can know as well!) Having supplies that are blue or pink will not make me a better parent. However here are a few things I found that will make preparing a bit less stressful.
I imagine my child will spend most of their first days and weeks of life covered up. Having a winter baby means any cute clothing will be hidden under layers.
LLBean has an adorable snowsuit that comes in many colors. This one is perfect for any gender.
Stroller & Carseat
Try to keep these pieces plain and simple to be sure you can use them again. If you do decide to add to your family, and baby number two is a different sex, you will be happy that you opted to skip the pink princess stroller.
I have my eye on this combo from Babies R Us. While it is pretty pricey I hear it is worth the splurge.
The idea of having to choose a name that my child will keep forever is slightly daunting. The idea with having to come up with two is even more difficult, but honestly so much fun. I am a big fan of gender neutral names, which makes the picking that much easier!
I cannot wait for the biggest and best surprise when I can finally hear the doctor exclaim “It’s a …” Stay tuned in another 20 weeks when baby Katz makes their appearance into the world.
xoxo Alex & Baby Katz
20 Weeks